Author name: Chris Barrett

Through the use of technology and strategic thinking, Chris brings executive-level financial support into your business.

qualify for reps

Qualify as a Real Estate Professional and Save Thousands

Back to Learning Center Introduction Real estate professional status, commonly referred to as REPS, is a powerful tax planning strategy that can often result in thousands of dollars in savings for real estate investors. However, it is a very complicated and closely monitored portion of the tax code, so you need to be careful. Avoid

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Quick Guide Estimated Income Tax

Quick Guide on Paying Estimated Income Tax

In the United States income taxes are to be paid on a regular basis throughout the year. As a self-employed individual you don’t have the luxury of your employer automatically deducting and remitting income taxes from your pay to the government. Instead, you must manage that process on your own. Below is a quick guide on how to do so. 

*Note – special rules may apply if you are a farmer or fisherman.

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